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Sometimes I like to write about serious stuff, other times I enjoy making up stories and sometimes I just like to attempt to be funny. When I get organised, you will be able to click on a different blog for each of these scenarios. Eg. If you would like to laugh at my hilarious life observations you will click on ‘Mikgayla’ and be transported to a world of laughter…and if you want to get depressed, there will eventually be a button for that too. WOW. THE INTERNET IS AMAZING

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Government Matters

The lead up to election is always irritating. It features a lot more personal attacks and very little talk about policy.

I know all politicians face a crazy amount of mockery in all aspects of their life and most dish it out as good as they get it, including Julia Gillard

but seriously fuck this.

Apparently being married with kids would make her a more viable candidate for leader of our country?

In my opinion, the Liberal party are a backward bunch of dicks who live in the Stone-age.

I see voting for them and choosing Tony Abbot to represent this country as something that will not only be an embarrassment because he is a narrow -minded cockhead but because all the things that party represent are likeminded to his views.

Have fun living in your racist, sexist, homophobic country with a guy that seriously has claimed ‘climate change does not exist’ to represent us to the rest of the world.

The only people Liberals are going to help are the people that don’t need help.

I feel that if you honestly think that Labour are ruining this country then you have never even looked at any other country.

The former LIBERAL Prime Minister said this:


Yet so much of the mainstream media seems to suggest differently
This is a great read if you have time;


It shows how much of the media is not being impartial
Ended with a great speech by our Prime Minister

Please get over Julia Gillards hair and her vagina and don’t vote for or against her based on her genitals.

Please, please, please read up on the party that you plan to vote for this election and don’t make the mistake of voting because of some story you saw on A Current Affair.

Don’t vote for a party because somebody else told you to or because it’s who your parents vote for.

Don’t just think about yourself in this election and what you, personally have to gain from voting for a specific party but think about how their policies are going to benefit the country as a whole.

Know that the Labour and Liberal party are not your only options and there are other Independent parties that you can vote for and use your preferences.

Those other parties may not be strong enough to run our country just yet, but if they are able to get a seat, they are who can also help to contribute to real change.

If you are unsure about something, contact your local M.P and ask for an answer about the things that matter most to you


The last election showed just how close of a call it can be

Make your vote count because it does.

Homophobia is gay [Why being gay is like being ugly]

If you talk about gay rights, there are some people who will assume you are gay.

I think that shows an insane amount of selfishness about those people

Can I just say that I actually don’t? It hurts your tongue after a while

Obviously you are only allowed to care about things that affect your day to day life. Right?

What is Empathy?


Is that some kind of medical practice?

‘Hello I’m an empatholigist’

The question shouldn’t be 'why do I care about whether gay people should be able to get married' but 'Why do YOU think it's your right to decide whether gay people can get married?'

...even though it does not affect you AT. ALL?

…though I enjoy a good pair of boobs as much as the next man, I am never going to marry a women unless it is Michelle Williams.

Despite my nickname ‘Mikgayla’ that was given to me by a friend,

I love the D.

I can see why gay dudes would also love the D.

Dicks are awesome in a really ugly kind of way.

They kind of look like how a worm would look if you put a beanie on it.

And I see why gay women like other women.

Women are fucking awesome too and boobs are fantastic.

Women are mostly just better to look at than men

They are easier to talk to than men.

They look better naked than men

…honestly if I did like to eat pussy I would be the biggest lesbian ever.

I would just be lezing it up 24/7

And I would want to get married.

Gay marriage shouldn’t even be a question.

Gay people already raise families and produce children and as far as I know the world hasn’t ended yet.

Gay men can already suck each others dicks and fuck each other in the ass in this country and there is nothing you can do about it.

They can do this:

....and this:

...and this

But you won’t let them have a piece of paper?

There are gay men, right now in their rooms just sucking each other and fingering each others ass holes and they can do that.

That’s allowed

And you know what?

You don’t have to watch them if that grosses you out

and I am pretty sure they don’t want to watch you with your beer gut and tiny penis, having sweaty disgusting sex with your equally unattractive girlfriend.


If the fact is you don’t want people to BE gay. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

A lot of the world would prefer that people weren’t ugly but there are ugly people

There is nothing I, or anybody else can do about just how physically unattractive some people are.

They were born ugly and they are ugly and there is NOTHING they can do to change their appearance.

They visit a surgeon and he’s like

“No dude even I can‘t help you”

There are a lot of ugly people that are just shitty people and I don’t like them.

But there are a lot of ugly people who are really nice or really smart or really funny and able to change the world and I like them.

Some of my favourite people in the world are ugly.

Their ugliness doesn’t make them bad people, in fact for some it makes them more interesting.


I love you man. I am sorry I keep calling you ugly in all my blog posts. I would seriously bang the shit out of you

I can hear you saying:


Calm down, I am not.

I have a point to get to if you will just let me.

Some people are born ugly and some people are born gay.

Some ugly people are total wankers

and so are some gay people

and so are some attractive people

and so are some hetrosexual people.

Your level of attractiveness is not something you can change [without surgery]

You are just born that way.

You have a horrible nose and a forehead that takes up half of your face

You fall into the top 10% of the worlds most repulsive people to look at

People flee in the streets when they see you

Mothers cover up their children’s eyes

…O.k now I actually am getting a tad off track

Like ugliness, homosexuality is something you are born with.

You don’t learn to be ugly. You just are.

...well most of the time

I am not saying that being gay is the same as being ugly…more often than not, we all know that isn’t true.

I’m looking at you Portia DeRossi

Yet in this world being gay can be like being ugly. They face many similar problems.

Gay people and ugly people have to try harder at things than straight and attractive people because much of the world seems to have a generally negative attitude toward them for what they are rather than who they are.

When you are really ugly, you already know that in the dating world there is a limited amount of people that will actually sleep with you….you are in the bottom 10% so lets assume, you are limited to that group of people, unless you are famous or rich.

As gay people make up [approximately] only 10% of the population also, their dating chances are also limited unless they are famous or rich.

No seriously. Portia DeRossi

Who wouldn’t turn for her?

Gay people are persecuted by strangers for not wanting to hide who they are…much like ugly people are persecuted by strangers for leaving the house without covering their face with a bag.


...the similarities are endless (probably not)

If you don’t want people to BE gay. There is nothing you can do about it in the same way that you can’t make an ugly person ‘not ugly’

The thing is ugly people are allowed to get married.

There is a website dedicated to them

I do not care if ugly people get married

I do not care if gay people get married

What I care about is if stupid, narrow minded, shitty people get married because they are then allowed to produce shitty children who think they have the right to make decisions about another persons life.

I feel like homophobic people are just generally really selfish, bored people in general because why on earth would you deny somebody something that will in no way affect you?
... and since there is not much else I can say on the topic that hasn’t already been said, I will leave you with a series of other great people saying great stuff about homophobia

And some sweet pictures of gay couples...Seriously How could you object to this?