Ways to feel like less of an ass-face without even leaving your computer screen
Ever felt like you are a bit
of an ass-face? Said or done something that was just a little bit
stupid? Are you searching for somebody to make fun of to make your
own life feel a bit less empty and sad? Look no further! I've got
you covered....
... it's a
long title
People who post at the
bottom of any current affair article
When I want to feel better
about myself, I just read the comments posted on pretty much any
type of current affair article and watch ass-holes trying to blame
every single thing that has ever gone wrong on their
First these geniuses talk about how they could do a better job of running their country than their President/ Prime-minister...which would be ok if they weren't the most ill-...informed individuals and mostly spouting made-up statistics mixed with racist or sexist or digs at their Parliamentary leader...or sometimes just picking on a physical trait...oh wow, you are so smart, Julia Gilard is a 'stupid ranga'....yes her hair colour must really come into play when she's coming up with that carbon tax...A brunette never would have gone for such a thing! 'What an absolute whore she is!'
Maybe instead of focusing on the gender, race or hair colour of the politician, take a look at what the party is doing and what is wrong with their policy.
If your only issue is: “TAXES! FUCKING TAXES”
...Do you have any concept on how a country is actually run? Have you ever had to see a doctor? Driven on a road? Done a little wee on a side-walk?
Where do you think the money for all of this comes from?
It is perfectly ok to be unhappy with your Government, I am hardly Labours biggest fan right now but maybe educate yourself and go running your mouth off. What a bunch of wankers
First these geniuses talk about how they could do a better job of running their country than their President/ Prime-minister...which would be ok if they weren't the most ill-...informed individuals and mostly spouting made-up statistics mixed with racist or sexist or digs at their Parliamentary leader...or sometimes just picking on a physical trait...oh wow, you are so smart, Julia Gilard is a 'stupid ranga'....yes her hair colour must really come into play when she's coming up with that carbon tax...A brunette never would have gone for such a thing! 'What an absolute whore she is!'
Maybe instead of focusing on the gender, race or hair colour of the politician, take a look at what the party is doing and what is wrong with their policy.
If your only issue is: “TAXES! FUCKING TAXES”
...Do you have any concept on how a country is actually run? Have you ever had to see a doctor? Driven on a road? Done a little wee on a side-walk?
Where do you think the money for all of this comes from?
It is perfectly ok to be unhappy with your Government, I am hardly Labours biggest fan right now but maybe educate yourself and go running your mouth off. What a bunch of wankers
Read comments at the bottom of any youtube video
The people who comment on
youtube clips are about 90% dickhead...I don't mean that 90% of
people that comment on these clips are dickheads...I mean that every
single person that comments on a youtube clip is made up of 90%
Seriously, have you ever read
youtube comments? They are so stupid that it hurts. Mostly its people
just quoting the video that you just watched... what dude? We all
just watched it, why are you quoting it? Oh Will Ferel said “miiilk
was a bad choice”... I know that he says that... Do you know how I
know? Because I just watched the clip and shit my pants laughing even
though I've seen it 861 times but it's as funny now as it was when I
watched it the first time...STILL you don't need to say it..the
actual name of the video is “Milk was a bad choice”... Its a 12
second video with very little dialogue... In fact the only words in
it are mentioned in the title...you don't have to say anything. You
are the worst.
The other kinds of people that
like to comment on youtube videos are straight up argumentative
ass-faces (technical name)...these ass-faces come in all shapes but
these are my faves
The I-know-more-than-you
As the name may suggest, this
guy/gal likes to prove that they know more than you about everything.
If you are watching a band video, they knew them first, they knew
them before they were famous, they touched the singers penis and know
his favourite colour... If you are watching a comedy, they think you
are such an ass-hole because you never watched the comedian do stand
up before they got their big break...like get off the bandwagon you
pretender, who are you? How have you not seen every single comedians
stand up ever? And I bet you only know who the Moldy Peaches are
because you heard them on Juno....
Yeah that is actually how some
people talk... Does it really matter if somebody only heard a song
yesterday? Are they not allowed to like the song? Is there only a
certain amount of 'like' allowed for a song and if they suddenly like
it are they stealing your 'like'...is there not enough 'like' to go
The What-you-like-is-shit
You're not even sure why this
character is here. They kind of turn up on this really awesome Hanson
video just to say they don't like Hanson. First off, What the fuck
dude? Why do you not like Hanson? Do you have working ears and a
Anyway they just say a bunch of
stuff about how the thing that you like is actually shit...but why?
Why are they looking at this video in the first place? Do something
else. You're very weird
I have no interest in Twighlight..so I don't watch Twighlight videos...why don't you go do something that you do like?
I have no interest in Twighlight..so I don't watch Twighlight videos...why don't you go do something that you do like?
The if-you-don't-agree-with-me-I'm-going-to-make-homophobic-comments assface
This dude
just calls everyone 'faggot' and tells them to eat a dick because
they are obviously gay... and that's what homosexuals do. How clever.
What a very clever ass-face
Have you heard of a little
website called “Guys with iphones”...??
site contains a lot of penis...I'm not going to lie to you it's like
99% wang...as in its mostly naked dudes and at the bottom of the page
it says “Powered by a love for hot men who appreciate the
finer gadgets in life.” and then there are heaps of advertisements
for porn on the site...
I blame my pal, Elise for this
mishap because when we were trying to look up pictures of severely
obese people (hint:another way to feel good about yourself) she so
kindly suggested that I take my google search off 'moderately safe
mode' and now when I look up anything in google images, all I get are
boobs and dicks...boobs and dicks...Google search: Betty White and I
bet even a few boobs and dicks pop up
Anyway, I wouldn't recommend
going on there...I was honest to god trying to look up pictures of
douchey guys with stupid topless facebook photos of them being vain
and so ya'll could laugh at them too...but I was subjected to something
'vein' in an altogether different way...penises...I'm talking about
penises.... and a lot of them ...but because I care about my audience, I
persevered and have brought you a [G rated] collection of douchey guys and
girls who will make you feel much better about yourself

"I'm taking this photo of myself and I'm really surprised"

"I only like to open my eyes half way because I think it makes me look like Ryan Gosling"...It doesn't
"Just two bro's, taking photos in front of the mirror...like bro's do"

"I can do this with my arm and hold my phone with the other arm but I still haven't worked out the timer feature on my camera"

I don't even....
The ones of girls were not as funny so I am just posting a bunch of duckfaces described as "specquackular" by http://www.smosh.com/smosh-pit/photos/50-specquackular-duckfaces
Please appreciate the amount of dick-picks I scrolled through to find these gems....And speaking of Dicks....
How can you not feel better
about yourself when you see that guy?
What an ass-faced dick