You know the kind that you can call up at anytime and be like “I need you” and you know that they would just be there for you? When I think about how many of them I have in the world the HONEST TO GOD the figure I came up with was FOUR...(eight if you include family …but I am not going to)…
Out of those four... two of them are currently overseas so the whole “I need you” thing is a little redundant if it means that they would have to fly across the world to help a sister out
…so lets say right now at this moment, I have two friends in this country that I can ask to come and pick me up from the doctors because I have a violent case of diarrhoea and am scared to catch the bus because I just may shit my pants…one of whom actually did do this for me.
Part of me feels a little ‘SHITTED OFF’ about the whole thing...I mean four? REALLY? Four?…
There a lot of things I could blame my lack of friends on…I could go “People are shit!” and at the time I am pretty sure that I did… but thinking about it, it mainly comes back to me.
Each week I get all the same invites that everybody gets. Somebody’s birthday, someone’s housewarming, someone’s band is playing but in the last month I have rarely ventured to any of them… the reasons are often these: I am too sick, I am too tired or I am working. Ok fine, these are valid enough reasons but then the routine is generally, apologise, talk about rescheduling to spend time together, never actually reschedule, repeat.
The thing is there are people that I know I would get along with and potentially be quite close to if I made the effort/people that I have been close with and drifted because I didn’t make the effort and while often I am sick, tired or working, I am not ALWAYS all these things and maybe on my days off I shouldn’t be laying about watching The Mitchell and Webb Situation on my own but I should actually schedule one of these elusive catch-up’s that I always talk about…because lets face it, Elise is going to be in Guyana for 3 months as of December and then who the hell is going to pick me up from the doctors when I am close to giving birth to several thousand poo babies?