When it comes to morals, I don't think
everything is so black and white...there are the obvious big ones
like rape and paedophilia... which I think it's pretty safe to say
that the majority of people will agree are wrong...if not, you
probably belong in prison or are already there.
...but even murder, you know it's
'wrong' but then there are cases of self defence and extenuating
circumstances and if you were on the jury you'd be like 'yeah she
killed Kim Kardashian but have you ever heard Kim Kardashian talk?
Let her go, she meant well, she did it for us'

...as if you don't want to kill her..just a little bit
...as if you don't want to kill her..just a little bit
ASSHOLE (but only the bits you like)
An obvious one that springs to mind is the whole church stance on homosexuality and how people chose to interpret the bible and pick out the bits that suit them. Whatever, you're a homophobe but don't pretend it's because of god.
I don't consider myself to be religious
but I did go to a Catholic school and I have read enough of the bible
to know that most people that bang on about god not wanting dudes to
marry other dudes...well these same people don't do a lot of other
things that God apparently wants them to do (remain abstinent until
marriage haha YEAH RIGHT) and they do a lot of other stuff that they
are told not to do in the bible (nice haircut pal).
Hey dickhead, if you're making the
decision to be anti-homosexual, based on something you read in a
really really really really old piece of literature then you don't
get to ignore the other bits that don't suit you. Oh yeah you're all
gospel until god cock-blocks you! When he's stopping you from doing
something you want to do, then you decide some of his teachings are a
little dated...but you'll hang on to the one that lets you hate gays.
I think there can be a lot of beauty in
religion and the idea of something bigger but I think it's pretty
silly the way that some people rip things apart and choose to only
see the bits that work best for them

Smoking is vomit-worthy to me.
I talk about how it grosses me out all
the time but what grosses me out more is the idea of living in a
world where people don't have the freedom to chose what they can do
to their own body.
If somebody is smoking in your face or
in the face of a child, by all means tell them to stop, tell them you
want to sit at a cafe and drink your chai without also swallowing down
a serving of lung cancer today...but if somebody tells you they are
going outside for a cigarette- How does that affect you? It's not
your place to give them a lecture.
They have the little pictures on their
cartons to show them the damage...there are so many other things in
this world that are bad for us that we all take part in. Imagine if
there were picture warnings on your chocolate ….or your alcohol?
“If you eat this every day....
.....you will end up with diabeties and looking like this:
.....you will end up with diabeties and looking like this:

(remember how I mentioned that google is no longer in 'safe search')
“If you drink more than 5 of these

..... you will be this girl...
..... you will be this girl...
You'd probably still do it anyway
because the things that are bad for us are also a lot of fun....sometimes you have to be your pants to make an omelet...or something to that effect...
There are few people that go through life only doing the right thing...have you ever met somebody who only does the right thing? I've met a few who are on the border of being angelic and fucking hell, they are boring as shit.
There are few people that go through life only doing the right thing...have you ever met somebody who only does the right thing? I've met a few who are on the border of being angelic and fucking hell, they are boring as shit.
THE BLURRY BITS, (being a hypocrite and
getting over it when somebody does the wrong thing)
Cheating is wrong...unless it's with
Ryan Gosling- Right?... We know there is some stuff we are not meant
to do and sometimes knowing that we are not meant to do something
makes it that much more fun... and sometimes it's a steaming pile of
shit that you started dating a guy that you thought you were into but
then you met his best friend and fell madly in love with him.
Logic tells you that there's millions
of other guys you could be with but fuck logic, this one is amazing.
If my boyfriend dumped me for my best
friend, I would kick them both in the genitals and wish them a
lifetime of adult acne and unhappiness.
I would say “What the fuck? THERE'S
Then I'd probably stay in bed for a
week, listening to songs by Bic Runga on repeat(man that gal can sing
heartbreak)...then I'd get over it ….because honestly, get over it.
You don't have to be pals with either of them because it was a pretty
shitty thing to do...still there is way sadder stuff in the world.If
the two of them end up getting married, then it was meant to be, why
let it upset you?...and if they break up HA SUCKED IN FUCKERS!
To me, anything that involves lying to
somebody you care about feels like shit and is usually 'wrong' but I
think feelings are hard to control and no matter how much you think
you'd never date a married man or fall for your boyfriends best
pal...yeah nobody wants to be 'that girl' but sometimes it isn't
about choosing to be that girl. You can choose your actions, sure...
but controlling your feelings is an all together different game....by
the way I haven't banged a married man...yet..ROB LOWE I'M COMING

In the end. it's about weighing up what
or who matters more to you and yeah people might get hurt if you are
honest but I'd rather straight out have somebody tell me how they
feel than sneak around behind my back, lie to me and insult my
intelligence. You're still going to think your boyfriend is a prick
if he says he wants to bang your pal but you'd hate him slightly less
than if he told you that he'd already banged her...22 times... 21
times in your bed...and once in your kitchen...what the fuck dude? I
eat there! Why are you telling me all this? ...yes honesty is the
best policy...before the act....after ward, keep that to yo self.
How good would it be if people came
with warnings?