About Me

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Sometimes I like to write about serious stuff, other times I enjoy making up stories and sometimes I just like to attempt to be funny. When I get organised, you will be able to click on a different blog for each of these scenarios. Eg. If you would like to laugh at my hilarious life observations you will click on ‘Mikgayla’ and be transported to a world of laughter…and if you want to get depressed, there will eventually be a button for that too. WOW. THE INTERNET IS AMAZING

Wednesday, 5 October 2011


Tammy, My chest is turning grey and my hairline is receding. The woman that I've been sleeping with for the past four years is the woman that I will be sleeping with the rest of my life. Tell me anything in your life that is more frightening than that..
As I write in here, I wonder how long it will take you to read over this. I wonder how often you read over these things that you write and which parts you allow others to see. I wonder which sins of yours remain a secret. I wonder how many times you have felt 'I love you' and been too afraid to say it. I wonder of the friends that miss you, for god knows you would be missed…I wonder how many would know you miss them too.
I wonder of the strangers that will never know how you analyse them. I wonder of the people that you have wronged who will never know how sorry you are. I wonder of the million more thoughts in your head that never even reach paper.
You speak aloud so often, yet there is still so much more in you to say. Mark.

This guy is walking around the streets while I wait for the tram, screaming about how cancer is not a real illness, that it was just invented to make us afraid. I laughed to myself, thinking how all those people that had died from 'supposed' cancer related causes must be really dedicated to making us all afraid.
Not too many people were paying him attention but if you looked at his eyes, you could see that he really believed it. It seemed strange to me that anyone could think like that, but then I guess that there are crazier things.
Millions of people believe the bible word for word, people believe Today Tonight News and celebrity gossip magazines, with little to no proof of facts.
We see a photograph of Brittany Spears standing next to anybody and read a headline that says she fucked them, and we believe it. We believe things that we can not understand, like science. We believe theories by logicians, because they are smarter than us.
We've seen photos of what cancer can do, we've read articles about cancer and we've known people that were diagnosed with cancer but what do we actually know?
Who is this crazy man and where the fuck is my tram?

I looked down at Richard, clenched between my thighs, moaning and gasping like an idiot while I did all the work. I knew if I didn't get up, I'd only be wasting another three minutes.
"I'm going" I say, reaching past his shoulder for my bra.
"Now???" He asks, grabbing my waist and holding me down on him.
"Yes now" I say, pulling his hands away and getting up and sitting over my bag.
He sits up and leans over my shoulders "But I was just about to-
I cut him off "Fuck. Your. Self" I say pushing him off.
"Are you breaking up with me?" he pauses "Are you breaking up with me during sex?"
"What do we actually do Richie?" I ask, throwing on my dress and putting things into my bag.
"What do you mean?" he asks, confused.
"I was thinking today, we have sex, we drink and we eat dinner" I shake my head "I have to go"
"What else is there?" He says, sitting in bed looking puzzled.
"Are you so afraid?" I ask "Are you so fucking afraid to eat, drink and sleep alone?" he stares back at me saying nothing "Where are my undies?" I ask.
"Do you want me to fight for you?" He asks.
"Where the fuck are my undies?" I say, now more irritated.
"You are so hard to please, you do this,. You don't say anything then you say everything at once and I have to take it all in, then you want a response straight away, how do I react to this, what would be the right way?"
I rummage around, then spot my underwear on the edge of the bed, I put them on and walk toward his door.
"Tamara", he calls out after me.
I turn around and look at him "What?"
"No ones asking you to be unhappy but you"
"Stop being so fucking right" I yell. "It's annoying" I slam the door.

Just because this isn't bad, doesn't mean that it is good. Rockmelon isn't bad but God knows it isn't good. Why on earth would I eat it everyday when there are so many other good things that I could be trying?
I know that you could. I know that you'd stay somewhere just because it's safe for you. I know that you're capable of that. To constantly settle for things being ok, and that is your mistake. If you eat rockmelon for long enough, soon you will not even know the taste of anything else. You won't even try because the thought of food, any kind… will make you sick. Your mouth is so fucking stale and no toothpaste can fix that kind of thing…

On the phone to Craig.
"So when does Ray go back to uni?" I ask
"Who's that?" Craig asks playfully.
"I don't know…Your boyfriend?" I laugh
"Oh that bitch…SHE doesn't, at least not for art, his Mum has convinced him to go back to medicine"
"Really? Why? I though he hated it?"
"Oh yes Tammy and I'm simply devastated"
"How does he feel? I mean he was so into it, art I mean."
"Tammy focus, me" he taunts.
I laugh and put on a British accent; "I wish you'd stop calling him a girl, its insulting to women and the feminist movement to associate feeble behaviour with female attributes"
"Look he's fucking a mummy's boy, I need to get out of this one" he pauses "lesbo"
"Craig, no- not again, Ray is sweet" I pause "And I am not a lesbo!"
"Whatever, Oh Tinky, I don't want sweet- if I wanted sweet I'd date a virgin. I need someone who'll stand up for their rights. If you and I weren't both gay I'd date you."
"I am not" I interrupt
He pauses "You know his parents still don't know he's gay- we've been together for 6 months and he's been pushing shit for years before I even came along… they still don't know. They don't even know that we live together. I've never even met them. They've come round to our place at least 5 times in the past 3 months…"
"Has it been that long?"
"…always conveniently when I'm away. I haven't been in the closet since I was a teenager, but I've suddenly jumped into his. Besides I can't marry a doctor."
"Have you spoken to him about it?"
"He starts crying, he's so emotional"
"No Tammy, No 'Aaw', he is a little bitch and I'm tired of it, I've been singing to the tune of Sheryl Crow: 'Are you strong enough to be my man?'" he sings tunefully, he continues "All week, All week. And you know what the answer is don't you? Its no, It's always no"
"I didn't realise it was so bad"
"Well it is, that's why I'm moving in to Jerome's' Newtown, tonight"
"Rewind- who is that?"
"A friend"
"Liar! You're sleeping with him!"
"Do you really think that little of me"
"I know if you weren't, you'd just move back in with your parents"
"Well maaaaybe it's easier for work" he says childishly.
"How? Leichart is closer to your work?"
"Well maaaaybe I am sleeping with him but maaaybe I wouldn't have to if my own boyfriend could love me properly"
"Oh my god, I cannot believe you Craig, you're trying to blame him for this- how long have you been fucking him?"
"I don't know"
"Maaaaybe you should tell me the truth" I mock.
"Look, I have needs and Ray is boring, don't feel sorry for him, he's boring, I don't know, a few months"
"Since July ish"
"What? You only got together with Ray in August"
"Yeah… well"
"Why the fuck did you keep doing it? Why did you move in with him?- you obviously weren't serious from the start"
"See, this is why I didn't tell you" he groans, I can practically hear his eyes rolling over the phone.
"I just don't understand why you had to lie, you could have had an open relationship or something?"
"Yeah, I can really see Ray going for that"
"Well then why did you go for him if you knew you weren't compatible?"
"Don't act like you don't understand emotions, like everything is so clear cut"
"How do you say you love someone, live with them, lie to them and think you aren't in the wrong?"
"I don't know Tink, how do you fuck your ex-boyfriends best friend? Maybe it's in that manual"
"You prick" I remark, bitterly.
"I don't blame other people for my mistakes and I can't change things that have already been done"
"We can't all rationalise like you"
"Don't patronize me"
"Don't persecute me"
"Well stop trying to make yourself feel better by shifting the blame"
"I'm leaving now, Isn't that the right thing? I don't hear you praising me for that"
"It is the right thing"
"Frankly I blame you anyway, if you still lived here you would have acted as my conscience and kept me in line"
"you make me sound so bossy"
"You are"
"Shut up" I bite
He laughs; "But I wuv you Jimeny Cricket"

"Yoooooou're late" Hannah Harps from behind the counter as I try to tip toe in.
I stop as though I've been hit by a spotlight "Sorry I know, I missed my alarm"
"Don't worry, I was late too" she says laughing- her expression quickly neutralises; "Ben and I broke up- for good this time, he's moved out" she says, leaning over the counter and looking out side.
"Oh, are you ok?" I ask, short of words.
"Yeah I'm fine, it's been a long time coming" she sighs.
There is a silence, I opt for a safe bet; "Men are wankers" I blurt
"True that-What about you, Are you seeing anyone?" she asks looking up.
"Nah" I say throwing my bag behind the counter
"Hey Tammy"
"Are you a lesbian?"
"No" I laugh
"Oh, ok" She says, with a slight disbelief in her tone
"Why?" I ask
"I was just wondering if it was a possible avenue for me, Julie at the café next door is gay, she's always in a good mood"
"That MUST be because she's a lesbo" I say sarcastically, then pausing for a moment to think how I am always so sarcastic.
"So you've been with girls though, yeah?" She asks.
I slip out of my daze "Yeah, I dated a girl for a while"
"I've had a few one night stands with women …Do you think you might be gay?" she looks at me wide eyed.
"I guess emotionally it works but physically it doesn't really" I half heartedly respond, bored of having to explain my sexuality, daily.
"So you're straight?"
I shrug and smile "I guess"
"Its hard right, God's cruel, women understand each other, we speak the same language but men, they just haven't got a clue, I think I'm getting my period" she rants.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah I have some plugs in my bag" She says waving her hand
"I mean- about the other thing…. Ben?"
"I said its fine didn't I Tammy?" she says, in a condescending type way.
I figure I wont mess with a women who's hormonal and just broken up with her boyfriend of 6 years "Yeah, sorry"

Men are like tampons; they sit inside you and take what ever they can get.
In Richards' case it never took him more than a few minutes to get everything that he wanted.
I am not blind to my own ways; I can see that I am far too complicated and that my expectations at times are too high.
Generally I would just stay in relationships where I was not quite happy and wait to be dumped so I could blame someone else for my misery. Something had changed though, I'd suddenly stopped fearing being alone.
When you are lying next to someone that bores you so much that you can't breathe, you suddenly start warming to your own company.

I am sitting in the café near my house, writing and onto my second red bull.
"You know a girl died from drinking too many of those" A man says to me from the next table. He looks about late 30s, glasses and a receding hairline. You can tell he's the type of guy that used to be attractive; he has that kind of arrogant attitude.
"There is the same amount of caffeine in this as there is your coffee there" I say rolling my eyes.
He laughs "What are you writing?"
"Nothing" I snap.
"Sorry?" he asks standing up and walking over to my table.
I pick up my purple notebook and hold it against my chest. "I said I'm not writing anything"
"Liar" he laughs, placing his coffee down in front of me.
"Can I read your 'nothing' then?" he says as he pulls out a chair.
"No, not at all, I don't even know you" I say shaking my head.
"Fair enough" He pauses, offering his hand "I'm Mark"
"Tammy" I say, ignoring his hand and taking a sip of my red bull. "Was there anything else, Mark?"
"Nope" he says drinking his coffee and grinning.
I stare at him and raise my eyebrows "I'm trying to write"
"Don't let me stop you" he smiles, placing his chin on his hands and batting his eyelids.
I close my notepad and sit it down. "Look, I'm here because I can't get any privacy at home, I can't concentrate with people looking at me"
He starts laughing.
"What?" I ask, annoyed "what's so funny?"
He laughs more "Beg my pardon, Tammy. You can't ‘concentrate’ in your own home so you come to a public place, a busy café and expect-" He pauses and laughs again "privacy?"
I shake my head, "You know what, you're right- It was a silly idea" I grab my red bull, shake it and realise its empty. I stand up and walk out onto the street, I hit the button on the traffic light, it flashes green almost immediately.
He follows me "Hey Tammy, wait"
This is familiar; I turn around "What?"
"I'm sorry, that was rude. I just don't really know how to approach new people" He pauses "I just always find writers so interesting- the look on your face when you were writing, it was like you really had something to say"
I smile "I'm a female; I always have something to say"
"So talk to me, I'm interested" he points at the notebook in my hand.
I put it in my bag ""I have to go"
"Where?" He asks.
"Home" I say, looking at him for a moment "It was nice to meet you" I turn and hit the button at the traffic lights, again.
"But you'll only be distracted" He grabs my arm "I'm not trying to sleep with you" he holds up his left hand "I'm married"
The green light starts flashing again, I stand with on foot on the curb and half turn, facing him for a moment, I turn around and cross the road. I look back and he is still standing there "what are you trying to do then?" I yell to him.
"Don't you ever meet someone and feel that you have to get to know them?" he shouts back, cars start moving again.
I laugh and I pull out my notebook and take my pen out of the spirals and cross the road, ignoring the cars coming from either direction, I can only watch the ground. I walk back over to him. I can hear beeping but it seems so far away. I stand in front of him on the kerb but don't look up, I quickly jot down my mobile number on the last page.
"Here" I say holding it out, looking at his shoes. They are brown chucks, they look so old. He takes the book, I make eye contact for a moment.
"Let me know when you're done" I say, before turning back around and hitting the traffic light again.
I can feel him staring at my back. I turn around to see him smiling at me "What?" I ask, rolling my eyes and hitting the button several more times.
"Nothing" his grin widens "I'll talk to you soon" he says, saluting.
"Fine" I say turning in the other direction and walking.
"Hey!" he yells
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Weren't you going THAT way?"
"I can go this way" I say shaking my head. As I walk the longer way home, things seem surreal and I'm unsure of what just happened.

Apparently scientists have found this void in the universe. It's not made up of matter or anti matter, its just nothing. Nothing? How can you even imagine nothing? How can ANYTHING be nothing? Its not? It cannot be? But if it is, our world as we know it is untrue. Craig tells me that the whole universe could just be some kids' science project, that we could all be the size of an atom…or even smaller. That everything seems so big because we see it in comparison? Maybe he is right?...Or maybe we have to believe in more because the whole world is not enough for us?

Its 10:30. I'm lying in my room. My housemate, Kain knocks on my door, before I can answer he opens it.
"You hungry? I'm cooking"
"Nah, thanks"
"You know you'll get diabetes if you keep living on Chocolate, Pringles and red bull" he says in a fatherly like tone.
"Or I could die of cancer if I go outside" I smile.
He laughs, shaking his head "Alright, goodnight" He leans my door for a moment then opens it again. "Hey, you aren't still seeing that dickhead are you?"
I pause for a moment- almost about to ask 'which one?'.
"Nah" I blow air and scratch my head "that is over"
"Good" he smirks, shutting my door.
All night I sit up, wondering if I'll hear from Mark, wondering why I would want to. Nothing.

It's Friday, 10:28 and I am at work, I'm trying to take a shit. I can hear the work phone ringing and I'm just contemplating what kind of customer might be on the line. Will it be:
'What's the best price you can do on that vanity in the catalogue?'
'Hey Love, Do yous deliver to the country? Eooow, you sound nice, what's your name?'.
'Do you custom make bathtubs? I need one to match my Louie Vitton wall paper'
Kill me now. I need the longest holiday, Somewhere so far.
I need a career, I can practically look into a window outside this bathroom and see myself, selling myself for the rest of my life… answering stupid questions, forever.
Last year it was clothes, now its furniture… next thing you know its ding dong, AVON calling. I'm sick of being a spokesperson for bullshit. I'd love to work for a cause that I actually believe in, like helping to plan the assassination of George Cluny or finding a cure for period pain…
I know I'm young but I have to stop using it as an excuse to be lazy, I wish I actually knew what I wanted, I'm far too fickle.
My phone is vibrating in my shorts and banging against my knees. It's a message:
"Read your binder and am speechless. Mark, alias: The weird man from swan St Cafe"
I write back "Why speechless?"
I stay in the bathroom for at least another 7 minutes, further contemplating my life and helping to insight theories with the staff at work that I may very well have eaten some bad Curry last night…I don't even eat curry!
Around an hour later on the shop floor, I receive a message from Mark: "lunch?"

11:43:11 "I'm at work" I write, putting my phone back under the counter.

I think about it as I troll around the store for the next 15 minutes or so but am determined not to check if he's replied
11:43:57 "Don't sales girls eat?"

12:01:03 "I break at 12:30 for half an hour" I reply, throwing my phone back in my pocket this time.

12:05:08 "where is your store? I'll be there at 12:28"

12:06:09 "I'll just meet you at the cafe"

Its lunch and I have to walk so quickly to get to the café, its worse because my stomach is bubbling and I feel like I have diarrhoea- do I have diarrhoea? Is that even how you spell die-oh-re-ah? Any moment now I could shit my pants and somehow between all my internal movements and the poo in my undies I'm going to have to fit everything that I want to say to this man I barely know into fifteen minutes, less if I order food, god I can't even think about eating.
I see Mark standing out front; he has already spotted me and is smiling.
"Hey there" he says cheerfully.
He looks so happy
Its weird
"but I jusI don't want food" I blurt then raise my eyebrows at my own statement…in a manner that would suggest I was a mute that just realised they had a voice.
"Don't tell me you want to skip straight to 'dessert'" he laughs.
"No- I don't know where that came from. Look basically I have a lot to say and I don't know if I'm actually going to see you again after this so I'm just going to speak"
He raises his eyebrows t continue talking and avoiding eye-contact "I've felt like I have had a hurricane inside my stomach for the past three days, Its like I need to constantly go to the bathroom- do you know what that's like?- wait, don't answer, I don't care. Basically I keep thinking that I'm about to poo my pants and it's horrible, it's like that feeling you get before a big play or when you are waiting for a phonecall and actually I had been waiting for a phonecall, from you and I'm not actually sure why. I didn't actually like you when we met, actually I thought you were weird and kind of desperate and you were wearing bad shoes" I pause and look at his shoes "-and you are still wearing them and I'm not saying that I'd want to bed you now, which doesn't really matter because you're married anyway…even though I cant really work out what kind of guy you are and if you would do 'that' to your wife… I wouldn't anyway so don't think ‘that' that is why I care. But the thing is that I DON’T know and I DO care what you think and why you think it and I want to know and I don't want to know because if its bad I will care and if its good I will care and then things will just be weird and its going to affect me and I KNOW what you are thinking. Why would she care about what I think? And Oh is this girl on crack? and well no I'm not, perfectly sober, never taken drugs, in fact very anti drugs but you'd be thinking it anyway and then of coarse you'd be thinking something else about me an opinion of me that was in your mind prior to this rant but that has probably worsened through the duration of it and I would like to know what that is…no I wouldn't…Yes ok, yes I would" I breath in for a moment.
Mark looks at me bitting his lip and nodding his head.
"I see" he says trying to look thoughtful, but quite obviously holding back laughter "So you DON'T want dessert?" he puffs, laughing and ruffling his hair
I pause, wide eyed "I have to go back to work".
"I'll walk you" he smiles
"really?" I ask
"I said 'I'LL WALK YOU'" he patronises
"ooookaaay" I respond hesitantly, turning back to work and pulling a milkyway out of my bag. I begin chewing
"I find you charming" he smiles, walking next to me.
"Huh?" I look at him with a mouth full of food.
He looks around as we walk "I find you charming…sarcastic…thoughtful…" He pauses "You lazily claim to be 'self-involved' in fear of being named so, by others. In fact I think you are probably one of the most empathetic and thoughtful people I have met or will ever meet. And yes, though obsessed with your own thoughts, you are not obsessed with YOURSELF. If I had to pick one word to sum you up though, it would be 'curious'…"
I stop walking for a moment, as does he, we face each other, and I'm still chewing my chocolate. We make complete eye contact, he continues;
"…and merely for the fact that the word is so ambiguous- for as curious as you are of your surroundings, you fail to notice that all around you, you are inspiring everyone else to be curious about who YOU are. You know nothing about me and wish to know more yet I know so much about you after reading that journal of yours - and if you were to tell me twice as much I'd still want to know more, I'd still be…. curious"
"Ok" I say, nodding my head in the same manner that he had previously, I continue walking "thankyou- for saying that…you know…what you've said" I say, sheepishly.
"You don't have you thank me, its not like I said I like you" He laughs.
"You don't like me?" I ask, offended.
"I do" he smiles.
"Thankyou" I say, munching.
"Well now you know that I like to talk too"
"How old are you??
"I am 37"
"I'm 19" I smile
"I know"
"It's unjust that you know that and everything else and I know nothing about you" I grumble
"You're right, its 'unjust'…right up there with whaling, no no, world hunger" he teases.
"What's your job?"
"I'm a computer engineer"
"So is my dad!” I get overly excited for a moment “How long have you been married?"
"Two years"
"What's your wife's name?"
"How old is she?"
"Oooh older woman"
"Only by a year, we have the same birthday, one year apart"
"When's your birthday?"
"Monday, week"
"What does she do?"
He laughs "Apart from nag and spend all my money, she's a nurse- but currently working at childcare centre"
"For sick kids?"
"No" he laughs again "rich kids"
"Oh" I pause "hey, this is me so uh… see ya?"
"Nice little shop front, did you do those?" he says waving his hand at the furniture display in the window.
"I'm going to be late" I wave.
He army gestures me and I reach for the door.
"Are you in love with her?" I ask.
He smiles, one of those smiles that you half try to fight back for a moment, but simply cant because the thing that you're thinking about is too amazing
"yeah, I really am"
I smile back, but my smile seems half hearted now
"See ya"
"Hey" He calls "Did you really think I wouldn't see you again?"
I turn around and shrug "I dunno?" I'm not being cute, I really don't know.
"I didn't bring your journal; I'll bring it next time"
"Ok" I nod, as if ‘next time’ for us was second nature to me.

It's Saturday and I have to work, I'm dreading it completely, my alarm is buzzing and I keep hitting Snooze until Harry knocks on my door and cheerfully choirs "Tam meee, it's time to get uuuup"
I hate anyone that is happier than me at any time but I especially hate anyone who is awake before me AND still happier than me.

"Mariah is pregnant"
"Shit! good news…Wait- is it good news?"
"Yeah, it is" He beams
"Good- so how far along?"
"Almost two months"
"Wow, so she just found out?"
"No she found out 2 weeks ago"
"But she just told you?"
"No, she told me straight away"
"Huh?- Oh, okay, good- so your telling me now? and I actually have no reason to be upset that you didn't tell me two weeks ago because I have only known you for two weeks…I have to go"
My phone rings, its Mina. "What have you been dooooing?" she asks, before launching into talking "I'm on my lunch break at work, Fuck I'm so sick of work it just consumes you, to top it all off I'm having problems with Kate again, its like ‘Oh my god, what do you want from me? I share my bed with you, I share my money with you, I give you all my love, do you want me to bleed?’ I love her I do, I couldn't see myself with anyone else its just like hello, I want to see my friends too. Are you there?"
"Yeah I am" I smile
"What have you been doing? Honestly I never see you. God, sorry I cut you off –I always do that, tell me to shut up."
"No its fine- are you and Mina ok?"
"Yeah you know, I'm just whining, I'm actually really happy, I miss you, I've barely seen you in weeks, like not just us- I'm having mass withdrawals. I'm like 'Tina DO YOU UNDERSTAND, I NEED TO SEE TAMMY- DO YOU UNDERSTAND?'"
"Yeah me too, we should catch up"
I really do want to see her
"What's wrong?"
"Nothings wrong, I'm just tired"
"Something is wrong, I can tell, you know I can tell- what is it?"
"Nothing, seriously, I've just been working all week, I'm exhausted"
That’s not a complete lie
"Yeah me too, fuck, I better go back, I only have fifteen minutes and I wanted to speak to you but its like 'what can you do in fifteen minutes?' you know, unless you're like a smoker or something- ok I love you, promise me I'll see you soon"
"You will, I love you too, bye"

Richard goes to the bathroom and I go to order a drink, I'm standing at the bar when I turn around and see Mark sitting across from a lady, who I'd assumed to be his wife.
I storm over "Hi Mark" I say squinting my eyes.
"You must be Mariah" the lady says looking at me and putting out her arm.
"NO- ARE YOU?" I ask rudely before realising the stupidity of my question
"Tammy – Margaret. Margaret- Tammy" Mark waves his hand and rolls his eyes.
I storm off back to the bar.

"I pictured him to be skinnier and I thought he'd have curly hair, he looks older, how old is he?" Mark teases.
"It's none of your business. Besides, I'm not 38- why would she think I was your wife? I don't appreciate you letting your girlfriends think that we are married MARK"
"Girlfriends? Margaret is a lady from work, and not everyone is as nosey as you, she doesn't know how OLD Mariah is, you could have easily been her"
"Nosey? No I could not have easily been her, don't compare me to someone who would let you fuck her!"
"How old is he then? Huh?"
"He's 34"
"He's almost as old as me"
"He doesn't look as old as you, he has a better complexion"
"Yeah, his boyfriend probably gives him facials"
"He's not gay Mark"
"That's not what that leather jacket of his said"
"How old is Margaret then?"
"Late 20s”
"She looks early 40s, Mariah's a lot prettier"
I say that laughing in my head because I have not met her and only seen a bad pixilation photo
"It's not a compliment to YOU, you are fucking the other one"
"Where are you getting these ideas? You've had too much to drink."
"You said you had a date tonight"
"I did, with my wife, MARIAH, who is here now"
"Well then what is SHE doing here?"
"Margaret and I finished up early at work so I thought we'd come here for a few drinks before I met up with Mariah. You told me to come to this place"
"YESS but not when I'M here"
"Well I didn't think that you two would be here yet. I thought we'd have been and gone… what sane people start drinking at 7?"
"Well YOOOO are"
"So what then? So what if I was spying? And say I was with Margaret, how on earth does that concern you?"
"Stoppit, you're acting like…"
"What? A child?"
"Oh my god- stand still, don't move"
I get home and Harry and Kain are sitting in the kitchen. There are the usual greetings and the 'Oh how was your day?' …the boring responses 'It was ok, I just worked'… God we are all such liars
I'm cooking pasta and Kain is staring at me 'let me guess, macaroni and cheese?'
I roll my eyes "Yes Kain, Macaroni and cheese"
"Don't you ever eat anything else? Don't you get bored?"
Kain goes through stages of trying to piss me off…there are lots of different ways he goes about it… being condescending and arrogant, talking to me as though he's donning words of wisdom. I'm clearly just young and stupid and he needs to show me the paths toward a better life…basically acting as though he's really concerned about my well-being but really just trying to belittle me.
Then there are just basic rude big brotherish style acts like throwing me in a sink and turning on the cold water or putting a mattress against my door to stop me from getting out... throwing water on me when I have a cold…
I think his biggest triumphs are when he traps me into insulting myself…saying things with innuendo but making me throw in the punch line.
It's my own fault for biting.
I suppose it's worse at the moment because he hasn't got uni. I just imagine him sitting around trying to think up ways to irritate me.
I'm being pretty hard on him I guess, he can be encouraging too, like when he found out I wanted to go to Europe he found me his handbook on all the awesome spots and a travel guide. Once I was lying on my floor whinging about my period and he went out and got me a hot water bottle and chocolate and I guess most the time when he's a real jerk, he recognises it. Right now I'm doing the 'I'm ignoring you' trick. It seems to be working because he and Harry are talking about chicks with big heads.
"Total prawn" Kain says
"Huh?" Harry asks
"Well you know, like a prawn. You eat the body but throw the head away, she's got it all going on in her body but you know that face, horrible"
"Oh yeah? You think? Stacy's alright you know?" Harry continues.
"I think she's pretty" I add.
"Silence! Small head!" Kain beams.
"I don't have a small head" I argue.
"You kind of do" Harry laughs.
I try to act insulted but I can't help laughing.
"Oh piglet, what are we going to do with you?" asks Kain.
"I don't know, but for now I'm going to my room to eat macaroni and cheese"

"What's that?" he says pointing at a flannelette shit hanging on my dresser.
"A shirt" I say, defensively.
"Is it one of your housemates?"
"It's not yours is it?"
"Is it Richards?" he asks, bluntly.
"If you are so fucking good at relationships then why the hell aren't you with your wife now?" He stares at me, expressionless.
I stand up and walk to the door "It's not Richards fucking shirt, one of the Sydney guys left it here when they were on tour" I pause "and no I didn't fuck them" I say storming out and slamming my front door. I realise that I don't have my key.
"Fuck" I say jumping up and down, my eyes fill up with tears, I sit down on the steps in front of my house and throw my head in my hands. My phone starts to ring, Its Mark.
"What?" I grumble down the line
"You left your keys" he says, his voice echoes as he opens the door behind me.
He is carrying my bag, sitting down next to me he places it on his lap. He sits down next to me, puffing out his cheeks and nodding his head. We both smile and it quickly turns to intense laughing.
"Don't you think that it's weird that we keep hanging out?" I ask
"Why?" he responds.
"I don't know I-"
He interrupts "Yeah I do" he pauses.
There is a silence.
"I'm moving to New Zealand"
"What?" I scowl.
He looks at me raising his eyebrows and nodding his head, silently.
"I mean, I heard you but… What?" I ask.
"Mariah's family is there and now that she's pregnant…she wants to be closer to them"
I laugh sarcastically, pretending not to be offended "Oh right well it's not like you owe me an explanation" I laugh again "You know, it's not like I'm your 'girlfriend' or even your friend- I mean we've known each other like what- a month?" I force another laugh and look away.
"I leave Friday" he says staring fore ward "And what do you mean we aren't friends?" he says, angrily.
My heart drops "As in, what- Friday, week?" I blurt, looking at him.
He looks back at me "No, as in this Friday, 2 days away"
"Oh" I look away "Well ah, that's …good. That's very…good" I say, I try to smile but my cheeks just feel like they are being weighed down by metal marbles, I push out my bottom lip but my teeth don't show.
I can't see myself but I don't imagine that it's the most convincing performance.
"You don't have to pretend to be happy, I'm sad too" he says, putting his arm around me.
"What?" I defend; pushing his arm off "You know well maybe I was going to move to Paris next week anyway"
"Were you?"
"Well no…but you don't have to be so arrogant."
"Are you telling me you're fine? You don't feel anything?"
"Are you lying?"
"Really? I won't miss you at all" he teases.
I push his arm "I wish you'd told me sooner"
"When was I going to tell you? We've known each other like what? 4weeks?"
"4weeks, Exactly….How long have you known?"
"4 weeks. Exactly" he says "Don't be mad, would you have tried to get to know me if you knew I was leaving?" he asks
"Would you have tried to get to know me if you weren't?" I stand up, walk inside and slam the door

To make anything sound legitimate, just add numbers… L'Oreal's '5 signs of aging'…Head and shoulders '5 signs of dandruff'… and my all time favourite, the ' 5 stages of grieving'.
What makes any philosopher think that he knows that much about human kind that he can pin point exactly how death will affect you? That every single person will go through denial and isolation, anger, bargaining and that depression will eventually lead to acceptance? What a load of shit to ever try to classify things as normal.
'It's normal to cry when your mum dies'… "It's normal to miss her'… 'It's normal' is exactly what is driving an entire society of people to think they need medication for any behaviour that isn't 'normal'.
Telling people how they should act and giving them guidelines is just why half the children in this country are diagnosed with ADD… and bipolar has become a common excuse for people to treat someone else badly and get away with it.

"Are you stalking me?"
"No" he laughs
"Its valentines day, you prick. fuck off"
"you're such an asshole, you planned this, Don't you know that it's the most emotional day of the year? Can't you just disappear quietly? Whatever you have, I don't want it"
"Who says it's for you?"
"Well if it isn't you're fucked"
"Some girl told me that I'm fucked anyway, in fact when I told her that I loved her, I think her exact response was: 'you're fucked'"
"Sorry for not being poetic with my insults"
"Sorry for not being so cynical…maybe you should apologise for being incapable of showing weakness?"
"Look at me you shit-head I'm fucking weak, I haven't eaten all day or had a thought inspired conversation with anyone since Tuesday. F.Y.I: that was you"
"shit-head. You ate a mars bar an hour ago and a cheeseburger before that."
"Stoppit, stop repeating me, you're trying to be condescending, I don't feel stupid for saying it, you're the one who should feel stupid"
"Why? For caring? For trying to rectify a situation?"
"Look where you are, You're in front of the bin. You are getting on a plane in 12 ½ hours to move to another country and you know what time I go to put foam in the bin! And I'm the weak one?"
"If I tell you that it meant nothing, I'm an asshole and a liar. If I tell you I'm in love with my wife, then I'm exactly who you want me to be… but if I feel anything for you, it contradicts everything that you like in me? If I say I want to go, I'm a prick for not valuing you enough. If I ask you to come with me, because I need you, I'm fucked. If I accept that everything that happened, just happened what I am I? A but plug? A poofter? A fanny fart?"
"All of the above"
"What if I say that I've had an amazing time and that I respect you more than anyone else I have ever met…. That I am absolutely crazy about having gotten to know you and that you've completely changed me, forever… If I say that I know you better than I've known anyone in 37 years of breathing? That I can't understand how you've ever been afraid to be completely yourself, when everything I've seen is so fucking amazing? What about if I just say that it has been the weirdest, most intense 4 weeks and two days of my life?"
My eyes well up “I‘ll miss you”
“I‘ll call”
“Don’t” I say shaking my head and sitting down next to the bin. He sits down too
“Will you visit?” he smiles
“No” I say, wiping my face
“Are you lying?” his grin grows wider and he puts his arm around me
“Yes” I nod
“I know you let your guard down and it wasn’t easy. I‘m sorry for not telling you sooner”
“It‘s ok, I thought about it and you were right, I wouldn’t have tried to get to know you if I knew you were going”
“What do we do now?” he asks
“Makeout at the garbage bin?” I say shrugging my shoulders
We both laugh
“Would you have talked to me that day?… if you weren’t going?”
Our eyes meet
Its not sexy
Or romantic
But it’s the realest moment of my life
“I don’t know” he touches my cheek “You’re warm”
We sat there for another minute. It was all I could spare before my boss would get suss