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Sometimes I like to write about serious stuff, other times I enjoy making up stories and sometimes I just like to attempt to be funny. When I get organised, you will be able to click on a different blog for each of these scenarios. Eg. If you would like to laugh at my hilarious life observations you will click on ‘Mikgayla’ and be transported to a world of laughter…and if you want to get depressed, there will eventually be a button for that too. WOW. THE INTERNET IS AMAZING

Monday, 20 February 2012

Why can I see your chest pubes?Why are you wearing thongs over socks? And other fashion trends that baffle normal people

I enjoy fashion but there are some trends that just don‘t make senses to me….

As a general rule I think that looking good is mostly about attitude, if you think you look good, you do…with a few exceptions

Thongs over socks- and other weather contradicting clothing

Sandals and thongs are made for summer…for when its too hot to wear real shoes.

You don’t under any circumstances need to wear them with socks…apart from looking ridiculous it just makes no sense! If your feet are cold, there are miraculous inventions called enclosed shoes which are specifically designed to cover your WHOLE FOOT (wow?)…

Don't be 'that guy'

Beanies worn with singlets are the stupidest look. I always see dudes wearing those super baggy singlets that show off their nips and THEN they pair it with a beanie I’M SORRY WHAT? So your nipples are hot? …are those three chest pubes that I can see keeping them warm?…but your head is cold?…even though there is an unlimited supply of Hanson style hair on your scalp? Please tell me why. You look like an insane person. Please put on a real shirt and take that thing that looks like a used condom off your head NOW.

or that guy

Fake knock offs-

stop trying to pretend you can afford Chanel. You think you look fab but EVERYBODY knows it’s a fake. Do you know how expensive Chanel is?

The first hint that it‘s a fake? People who own anything that fits into the category of authentic haute couture do not pair it with thongs and a shitty fake tan…unless the bag was given to them by a rival company to drive down the value…I hear that’s how Snooki gets all that expensive shit…do you want to be like Snooki? …

And while we are at it Chanel don't make fingernails...do you know who do? $20 a session workers at a nail salon.  Next time tell them to skip the  fake )( symbol on your nails and go with shellac colour.
You do not need a tacky symbol on your bag to look good and your cheap knock offs are still probably more expensive and more likely to fall apart than an adorable bag from Collette.

Denim underwear…and clothes that don’t fit

If you’ve got it flaunt it…well kind of. There are short shorts and they look good on women with great bottoms…We all envied Kyle Minogue in that spinning around video, wearing those tiny shorts…that’s the kind of ass that CAN wear those shorts

Then there’s denim underwear…which looks good on zero percent of the population. Please believe me when I say this, I.can.see.your.pubes.
Lets confirm- chest pubes out- bad look. Front bottom pubes- also a bad look. Ok. Glad I cleared that up.

Considerd hot 10 years ago:

Not considerd hot....ever:

There is a rule in fashion that women should know and abide by whenever they are in public and that is “Show 40 % of flesh,”. I’m pretty sure I read this in cleo when I was 13 and any fashionista will tell you its true, beyond that 40 % is a world of trashy that you can only get away with if you are performing onstage or at the beach otherwise NO and to denim underwear ALWAYS NO.

Clothes with words-where to draw the line.

I like funny shirts ok, I’m THAT girl. I will laugh at a guy who’s shirt says “Pants”…Its funny ok, his shirt says “pants” and its CLEARLY a shirt. THAT MAKES ME LAUGH…

what makes me laugh in a altogether different way are shirts that try to be “cheeky” but are not actually clever or funny…and more come across as sleazy

Eg:1% angel 99% devil…what is that? Its not even remotely intelligent? I had to waste 2 seconds trying to pretend I wasn’t looking at your boobs to read that? Seriously? Go away

Your clothes can have writing if you’re sending a message…I’m not going to punch you for wearing a shirt that says “save the whales”…I might laugh if you’re a fatty though hhaha ‘save the whales’ GOOD ONE!

Catchphrases or movie slogans are universally accepted as being ok. I like them because I think a persons movie taste says a lot about them and a person who wears a shirt with a picture or slogan from a movie is probably really into that movie…as in they probably ordered it online for a stupid amount of money and waited 8 weeks for it to be shipped here…if a person likes a movie THAT MUCH they should be allowed to wear that shirt. Also they are conversation starters.

‘Vote for pedro’. You seem like a hip guy. You intrigue me…Did you like the movie that much that you’re still wearing the shirt? Are you wearing it ironically… I don’t know? I bet people just point at you and go “ha! Napoleon Dynamite” …it’s a conversation starter, I get it. Wear the shirt, if it makes you happy to wear the shirt, just wear it.

Shirts with Fonzie on them make me want to be your friend, mostly because I feel like you won’t be intimidating if you’re wearing a Fonzie shirt..because I like The Fonz and I am not the least bit cool.

Cut offs-
Get away from me you abomination! Why god why?
