It's rude not to even give me a pity laugh.
topic is likely to overlap with other blog entries that I've written
because I truly believe that manners matter.
am a drinker, farter, and a common user of the 'f' word
... but like any [semi-]balanced human, I can get a rough gage on what kind of behaviour may offend others and know when to let my freak flag fly
...and when to pack it up, behave and present myself as a well behaved adult.
... but like any [semi-]balanced human, I can get a rough gage on what kind of behaviour may offend others and know when to let my freak flag fly
...and when to pack it up, behave and present myself as a well behaved adult.
drink and swear and have gross conversations with my like-minded pals
but I wouldn't just rock up drunk and swearing at a strangers dinner funny as I would find that on a sitcom, it is something
that I register in my head as not being 'O.K' in the adult-world.
(also how much does that one girl look like Regina George?Inappropriate moves by the Mean Girls rejects )
(also how much does that one girl look like Regina George?Inappropriate moves by the Mean Girls rejects )
in hospitality and keeping a constant smile on your face can be
draining when many of the people that you serve each day are total
spoilt wankers but for the most part I do it and the worst I have
ever said to a customer is :
“Don't speak to me like that” …
“Don't speak to me like that” …
was after he lost his shit at me and told me to 'Wake up to myself'
because I'd brought him out a drink that wasn't in the cup he
...even though I had just started shift, didn't take his order at the register or make the drink
...I just brought it out to him and was greeted with that.
...even though I had just started shift, didn't take his order at the register or make the drink
...I just brought it out to him and was greeted with that.
old guy is now a regular co-workers and I call him by his first
words to me “Wake up to yourself” and he has never spoken to me
like that again.
"May I offer you a side of''don't be an asshole' nuggests?"
pal of mine says something that I think are good words to live by “I
try to treat people the way that I hope people will treat my
don't have a daughter but I think when you love someone so much and
picture them being yelled at, it would make you mad.
know those people who when they are mad, they don't just need you to
know about it, they need EVERYONE to know.
are the kind of saddos that get off on shouting at some teenage
checkout chick at Woollies because she made a mistake with their
order and accidentally forgot to give them a 0.00005% discount on
their cat food
after that, they tell everybody on Facebook how they made the 14 year
old behind the counter cry because it wasn't enough that everybody in
the supermarket heard
they just go home to their cat (who hates them because felines can
sense a unjustifiably self-righteous wanker)
have never been a yeller. I don't see the point of damaging my voice
box over somebody that I'm pissed off at... I will speak my mind but
for the most part I try to be constructive and resolve a problem if
it's fixable
...and if its not fixable?
...well maybe then I will sulk or eat chocolate
...but still not yell.
...and if its not fixable?
...well maybe then I will sulk or eat chocolate
...but still not yell.
are the worst.
What does all that loud noise achieve?
Speak at an appropriate volume and explain what you're annoyed about.
Don't carry on like a a 3 year old, slamming and screaming. It makes everybody think you're a dick.
What does all that loud noise achieve?
Speak at an appropriate volume and explain what you're annoyed about.
Don't carry on like a a 3 year old, slamming and screaming. It makes everybody think you're a dick.
if you get your way, it's only because people are terrified of you
... or they are doing what you want so that you will leave and they can bitch about you when you go.
... or they are doing what you want so that you will leave and they can bitch about you when you go.
what an accomplishment for you. You are now the screaming wanker that
everybody hates. Cool life man.

loud noises
is boring but reliability is comforting.
I am madly in love with spontaneity and people who can constantly surprise you but I don't think that the ability to shock is a trait that is exclusive only to those who never turn up on time.
In fact I firmly believe that some of the most reliable people can also be the most surprising
...just because a guy say he'll pick you up at noon and ACTUALLY shows up right on lunchtime doesn't mean that he won't take you somewhere that will surprise you...
...and the great thing about reliable people is that they don't just remember to show up on time
they also remember stuff that's important to you so surprises are usually things that are relevant or significant to you
and not just like:
“Hey I got you flowers because girls like flowers...”
but more like:
“Hey I have super glue and a 50cent coin and we are going to glue it to the pathway at the park and watch people try to pick it up...because YOU like that...I distinctly remember you telling me that you like doing that”
Who doesn't like doing that?
In fact I firmly believe that some of the most reliable people can also be the most surprising
...just because a guy say he'll pick you up at noon and ACTUALLY shows up right on lunchtime doesn't mean that he won't take you somewhere that will surprise you...
...and the great thing about reliable people is that they don't just remember to show up on time
they also remember stuff that's important to you so surprises are usually things that are relevant or significant to you
and not just like:
“Hey I got you flowers because girls like flowers...”
but more like:
“Hey I have super glue and a 50cent coin and we are going to glue it to the pathway at the park and watch people try to pick it up...because YOU like that...I distinctly remember you telling me that you like doing that”
Who doesn't like doing that?
"Oh darling, I've never been happier. Just look at those idiots trying to pick up that coin"
Unappreciative Dickheads
We all know those people who never get off their phone.
They are always texting or online, regardless of real-life company
but magically when you need them, you won't hear back from them for days or until they require something from you.
When you do hear back you will get a very insincere “Oh sorry I forgot”...Some don't even bother to try to string together an excuse and others will give you one that it so pathetic that you can actually feel your intelligence being insulted much so that it physically hurts you and you want to physically hurt them back with a kick to the ear.
Yes people totally do read texts or miss calls and genuinely forget to respond.
I do it all the time but if you care about somebody then you apologise profusely and be a pal....or you at least come up with a good lie...I'm only half joking.
I mean honestly, answer my fucking stupid hypothetical questions or come up with a damn good reason why you didn't answer:
'Would you rather be blind for the rest of your life or have to have sex with Tony Abbott twice a day, for 20 years?'
.. .It's so hard to sleep when I don't know these things!
Unappreciative Dickheads
We all know those people who never get off their phone.
They are always texting or online, regardless of real-life company
but magically when you need them, you won't hear back from them for days or until they require something from you.
When you do hear back you will get a very insincere “Oh sorry I forgot”...Some don't even bother to try to string together an excuse and others will give you one that it so pathetic that you can actually feel your intelligence being insulted much so that it physically hurts you and you want to physically hurt them back with a kick to the ear.
Yes people totally do read texts or miss calls and genuinely forget to respond.
I do it all the time but if you care about somebody then you apologise profusely and be a pal....or you at least come up with a good lie...I'm only half joking.
I mean honestly, answer my fucking stupid hypothetical questions or come up with a damn good reason why you didn't answer:
'Would you rather be blind for the rest of your life or have to have sex with Tony Abbott twice a day, for 20 years?'
.. .It's so hard to sleep when I don't know these things!
Vs making pasty white love to that guy for 20 years?

.....(These are situations that may be very real one day and you need to be prepared)
.....(These are situations that may be very real one day and you need to be prepared)
In all honesty I think that feeling valued is important and it isn't even that hard to make a person feel like they are appreciated.
Sometimes it's as much as putting your phone away when you're with company that can say to a person:
'Yes I am here in this room with you right now and I'm listening to what you're saying rather than looking for a better offer'.
... I don't think gratitude should just be reserved for big gestures by good friends but also in the random acts of kindness from near strangers.
Just saying “Thankyou” when somebody does something nice that they didn't have to do for you ...or even when they are just doing there job. If a bus driver takes you home, it's not hard to take your headphones out long enough say “Thanks, have a good day”.
If they stop to wait for you when they see you running behind the bus HELL even chuck in a
“That was so nice of you, you've just saved me waiting an hour for the next one”
... so often I see people being so stingy with their words... as if saying a quick “Thanks” requires too much effort yet its the small sweet things that people say and do that can change the whole mood of your day.
So many dickheads that non-dickheads are mistaken for being D.T.F
To me courtesy isn't just your pleases and thankyous but it's all aspects of being aware of your surroundings and how your actions can affect people.
Sometimes it's as much as putting your phone away when you're with company that can say to a person:
'Yes I am here in this room with you right now and I'm listening to what you're saying rather than looking for a better offer'.
... I don't think gratitude should just be reserved for big gestures by good friends but also in the random acts of kindness from near strangers.
Just saying “Thankyou” when somebody does something nice that they didn't have to do for you ...or even when they are just doing there job. If a bus driver takes you home, it's not hard to take your headphones out long enough say “Thanks, have a good day”.
If they stop to wait for you when they see you running behind the bus HELL even chuck in a
“That was so nice of you, you've just saved me waiting an hour for the next one”
... so often I see people being so stingy with their words... as if saying a quick “Thanks” requires too much effort yet its the small sweet things that people say and do that can change the whole mood of your day.
So many dickheads that non-dickheads are mistaken for being D.T.F
To me courtesy isn't just your pleases and thankyous but it's all aspects of being aware of your surroundings and how your actions can affect people.
I've spoken about most of what annoys me about people in public before in a project I used to write with a pal of mine
there's not much I more I can say that I haven't already said here:
I don't exactly go around trying to engage in conversation with every person I meet, mostly at the end of the day I want to listen to music and spend the ride home not talking to anybody...once my shift is over I am all:
...though I never have told a stranger to 'fuck a goat'
...I like having that option there.
Though even in the shittiest of moods, I still find it in me to smile at people that smile at me
...however it seems that smiling is so rare these days that some people will just take it as a go-ahead to tune you, no matter how much you insist that you're busy smiled so you must want to bang
... so I keep my eye contact brief with strangers that exhibit the creep vibe.
I think its a sad day when smiles are so few and far between that people start believing that a polite facial expression is only set-aside for people who's genitals you want to touch.