Beautiful people make me both extremely excited and incredibly depressed...which makes looking at magazines a confusing process.
We let beautiful people get away with much more than we do 'normies'
On a scale of 1-10 a guy can probably be about a 6 and still get away with being a prick... for girls its slightly higher, if you are are anything over an 8.5 then your bitchyness makes you sassy, anything less...your bitchyness just makes you a fucking bitch.
I know what you're thinking "Michaela this is so scientific, I got enough of science from school and science books"... And I'm sorry but sometimes my blogs are educational as well as funny.
I seriously HATE being called 'babe' in any situation other than when it's my friends making fun of me for how much I hate it...but if a hot dude that I just met calls me 'babe' and he has great eyebrows I will probably let him live under my skirt.

It's not my fault, beautiful people just have a power over us. We laugh at their dumb jokes just in hopes of seeing them naked. We try to see the good in them when they are total cockheads and basically just put up with way more shit than we would if they looked like John C Rielly.

Seriously? Would you have sat through that?
Sometimes we let beautiful people get away with too much
A perfect example of people being too beautiful for their own good is Lara Bingle. Lara Bingle is mostly known for being a model, being in a tourism add for Australia then letting a couple of sports stars who's names I don't know 'go down under'.
I thought it would be fun to look up some of her quotes to see if she actually was interesting and if I'd just missed the point....
the first one I found "Being Irish was a big thing for me, particularly growing up in Chicago."...then I realised it was actually Lara Flynn Boyle because Lara Bingle actually does not say anything interesting enough to be quoted on anybodies website...that and I only looked for about 2 minutes....I'm really not that invested and I probably won't watch her show.
Why tha bloody hell are ya famous?
Speaking of boring hotties who get their own shows...Kim Kardashian... is an actual idiot, I mean she is fucking beautiful but there is not a lot going on upstairs....though I could be wrong because she clearly knows how to market herself and a show about her doing almost nothing almost all of the time.
The fact is, she is famous because she is hot, nobody would watch it if she wasn't extremely good looking and her family was not marginally attractive...that show would just be called Big Brother and they'd need Gretel Kileen to host it and make up pretend love triangles and add some weird games because nobody wants to look at ugly people doing nothing..they mostly want to see them suffer and cry and fail at house challenges.

I am going to copywright this shit
Why its ok to be a 'normie' or even an uggo:
Not being able to rely solely on your looks means that there are often cases where average looking people have to develop this thing called a 'personality', If you are reading this and you are already beautiful then you need read no further...chances are you probably can't read any further because your parents and 1st grade teacher probably saw your potential as a hottie at a young age and let you try on pageant dresses while the other kids learnt the alphabet. I kid, I kid, I know that pretty people can be intelligent and interesting ...just look at...Lara Flynn Boyle
"You know the bigger you get and the more famous you get, the more people you can get to fill your house and tell you how great you are. You can do that"-Lara Flynn Boyle
Some of the most lucrative and interesting people in the world are not necessarily 'goodlooking'. A lot of the best comedians in the world are funnier simply because they are not good looking...some people make an actual career out of it.
I'm so mean. I actually love him, just look at his little face.
I always wonder when there's that fat lady in a tv shows being cast as "an ugly lady" you know the one I mean, where other characters actually refer to her being fat or gross and she doesn't have any lines, shes just there to be fat and/or gross...what did that casting lineup look like?!
And how fucking depressed would you be if you didn't get that role! I guess you could always go home and eat a cheesecake, not wash your hair and try again next time...
I don't know that this blog entry has a moral...maybe just 'If you're an uggo, its ok, just get on tv'...good moral Michaela
To finish I will leave you with this collection of Lara Flynn Boyle's quotes that I actually can't believe somebody made