About Me

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Sometimes I like to write about serious stuff, other times I enjoy making up stories and sometimes I just like to attempt to be funny. When I get organised, you will be able to click on a different blog for each of these scenarios. Eg. If you would like to laugh at my hilarious life observations you will click on ‘Mikgayla’ and be transported to a world of laughter…and if you want to get depressed, there will eventually be a button for that too. WOW. THE INTERNET IS AMAZING

Monday, 3 October 2011

5 questions/ yes I am in the BSC

It probably seems all a little Baby sitters club but whatever I liked those books. So my friend and I are sending 5 things about ourselves back and forth each week. One week she sends me 5 points to elaborate on and the next week I send her 5. Its kind of a sweet way to keep in touch with somebody that I never get to see anymore and has made me realise how little I know about a lot of my friends. These are my answers for this week



My favourite thing to do is: Paint or watch movies. I love doing both in good company…eg talking over movies and painting dumb cartoons of my friends but I also like to do both on my own. I know neither sound that exciting but both are relaxing and I am happiest when I am able to chill…


The saddest I’ve ever been was:

There were a few boys that broke my heart from when I realised that the cute black boy from the kids show Lift off was a tv character…(I am sorry for calling him the cute ‘black boy’ but I don’t remember his name but if you ever read this oh cute black boy from children’s Tv show, Life off ‘call me’)… to semi proper adult romances where I had actually met the guys I was in love with. I think at the time some of the heartbreak that followed seemed like ‘the worst’ but I got over it.

No break up is anything like death and whenever a relationship doesn’t work out I kind of think “well at least nobody is dead”…so I guess death is ultimate sadness. Nothing really compares to a life being over.

My grandmothers stroke was a really hard time for me. Even knowing the logic and how it couldn’t have been prevented, I did blame myself for a really long time for not visiting her that day. Even thinking about it now sends me back to being a little 8th grader.

Earlier this year a friend of mine committed suicide and I started to have similar feelings. I don’t think much compares…well this has all gone a little sad… I preferred talking about Lift off.

The last time I was sick:

Today…. really, I am generally in a bad state. My pals all pay me out for carrying a Vicks inhaler everywhere I go.


I have a few. One on my chin from when I fell off a swing and had to get stitches…one on my hip…it’s a big’n, its from when I was riding a skateboard down our old driveway…I wasn’t even standing, I was sitting down but I fell and it hurt baaayd. I also have one on my little toe from when I walked into my parents wine rack…no I wasn’t drunk either, I was pretty young then also.

If I was a movie character I would be:

Well I don’t know if this means someone I would like to be or somebody who represents me…but one that is a bit of both is Edie Sedgewick. I’ve been told many times that I remind people of her and I like that…even if its just because of my hair… She was a bit of a free spirit and I like to see myself like that…though I’m not really the drug taking type…maybe I am a bit more Maria from the Sound of Music..yeah lets go with that