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Sometimes I like to write about serious stuff, other times I enjoy making up stories and sometimes I just like to attempt to be funny. When I get organised, you will be able to click on a different blog for each of these scenarios. Eg. If you would like to laugh at my hilarious life observations you will click on ‘Mikgayla’ and be transported to a world of laughter…and if you want to get depressed, there will eventually be a button for that too. WOW. THE INTERNET IS AMAZING

Thursday, 13 June 2013

I am surprised you managed to look at anything long enough to review it, given that your head lives permanently inside your own anus


I hate elitist wankers who try to tear people down

I look at comments on some peoples videos or writing and can't believe how vicious and moronic others can be to say these things to somebody who pours their sole into making something they are proud of.

I just want to hug the people that made it and be like “Congratulations for creating something”

Congratulations for putting yourself out there and not being the person on the other side of the screen who never does anything but still thinks it's O.K to talk down to somebody that does.
I look at these adds uni-kid blogs created by some person that has done a semester of a writing course and gets off on writing patronising shit in their advertisement about the quality they expect of stories and that they will not even look at applicants that haven't 'something something pretentious bullshit blah blah blah' ...for a website that literally has 6 followers.

Get. The. Fuck. Over. Yourself

All I want to do is write the type of stories that I want to write and not be condescended or limited by people who I don't admire or respect.

I DO NOT give a fuck if 99% of the reading population think that anything I make is trivial, superficial or self indulgent because I don't want to read or look at the shit that 99% of the human population produce.

That doesn't mean that I don't think it has value.

Everything that anybody writes has some kind of importance to the person who writes it and when you share anything with the world, you know that you are leaving yourself open to criticism and that can make you feel pretty vulnerable so it's a risk you take.

What I can't believe is how some honestly believe that have the right to say nasty, unproductive shit about something that somebody has worked hard on and not even just be critical but just cruel.

Why does every other person think they are in a position to review shit like they are god damn Margaret and David?

Unless your opinion is specifically sought out then you can just go and write that shit on your Facebook and share it with your equally narrow-minded friends and leave people to do their own thing and be proud of it

You will neverbe this adorable. NEVER

In the words of Taylor Swift 'Why you gotta be so mean'

And also in the words of the Pope “Fuck yourself”...He says that-right?

"Talk to the hand"...he says that too now