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Sometimes I like to write about serious stuff, other times I enjoy making up stories and sometimes I just like to attempt to be funny. When I get organised, you will be able to click on a different blog for each of these scenarios. Eg. If you would like to laugh at my hilarious life observations you will click on ‘Mikgayla’ and be transported to a world of laughter…and if you want to get depressed, there will eventually be a button for that too. WOW. THE INTERNET IS AMAZING

Monday, 7 May 2012

How not to be a wanker and Grudges...not 'the grudge' the hit film starring Sara Michelle Gellar

I've never really got the idea of holding a grudge. It seems like a lot of effort...unless you know somebody kills your mum or something... then it's like 'Yeah it's ok to awkwardly look them up and down and maybe leave flaming bags of shit on their front porch and ring the doorbell'...I get that, I do.


...but I think people today are just way too sensitive and lose their shit way too easily when somebody says or does anything that they don't agree with.
I'm not saying that there aren't people I don't like but if we have mutual friends and we run into each other, out of respect to my pals and respect for the fact that I'm not a 7 year old, I will generally try my best to be polite...then say something bitchy behind their back like a normal person.

The thing is no matter how much I dislike a person, I do not want my last memory of them to be a negative one. Seriously, imagine if they got hit by a car tomorrow? I know I've had some Ally McBeal style fantasies of this happening to my nemesis when they are being all condescending toward me but really if it did, I would not feel pleased with myself.
I would feel like I was a pretty crap person and then even though they are being scraped of the sidewalk, they still kind of win because I have to spend the rest of my life living with the fact that as a human, I am kind of on par with Chad Kroeger....now thats a man who's doorstep I'd thoroughly enjoy taking a dump on. Seriously dude what were you thinking? This.is.how.you.remind.me? No! Bad human!

Ok yeah, it seems like I have a pretty unfounded hatred toward Chad Kroger but let me tell you something about this. It's ok for me to hate Chad Kroeger because the likeliness of me ever running into him is about as low as him writing a song that didn't make me want to tare off my ears.
What I have trouble with is when friends start feuding and somehow, myself as a gal who sadly now fits into the category of 'a person in their mid 20's'... is forced to pick sides.
Even Tom Petty thinks this is small minded. HAHA get it? Petty, Tom Petty. CLASSIC

As an outspoken young lady, I have disagreements with people on a daily basis about topics that seriously fucking matter to me and if I stopped talking to every single person that made a racist comment or who thinks that gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married I wouldn't talk much at all. It also wouldn't achieve a single thing.
I enjoy discussion and I enjoy debate. The world would be a boring place if everyone agreed on everything. I like being challenged and open to the idea that my mind could be changed or even that I'd just get a better insight to why somebody else sees things as they do. Though in these cases it's often the latter... I don't see myself becoming a homophobic refugee hater anytime soon but I'd love to know why some people are built that way.

I know I wasn't just born with all the ideals I have today, they grew from the people around me. So I think that when you just dismiss a person because they don't agree with the way you live or the way you think, then you stand to miss out on something... even if it's just a laugh at how narrow minded somedody is (hehehehohohoho that conversation made me feel much better about myself because you actually are a fucking idiot)

Are you ever out at a show or a party and you see your pal but then the other friend that you're standing with tells you "We cant go over there"...now this friend your standing with has no problem with the friend that you want to talk to but they aren't talking to the person who's standing with them so YOU CAN'T GO OVER THERE...even though you don't even know that other person...WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SPIDERWEB OF FRIENDSHIP BULLSHIT? Sorry for swearing, I just get worked up. Your friend is being a wanker! This behaviour is not ok past highschool.

The thing is that the person that they are mad at doesn't even recognise that they are not talking to them because that person plays such a trivial part in their life.
So you just want to turn to your friend and say "CALM DOWN MOTHERSHITTER THIS IS NOT THE HILLS...not that I ever watch The Hills...also sorry for swearing but you are being a wanker"
But isn't it just a little bit true that the person holding the grudge is often so much more invested in it that the person who's being shunned? Whats the point of spending your life avoiding somebody? Not going places because they might be there? Turning your head swiftly when you do see them? ...that shit is going to hurt your neck!... Not to mention that in between all this ignoring you're still talking about them and telling everyone how much you hate them...which kind of means that you waste a lot of time thinking about them too. Wouldn't it just be easier to smile and wave politely?

I do think that people do shitty things and sometimes people are just not compatible so you'd rather not have them in your life. Some people [Chad Kroeger] just annoy the shit out of me no matter what they do. So I don't actively go out and try to be in place where he might be...it's pretty easy because he's Canadian and I've never been to Canada but I like to think that if Chad Kroeger ever happened to be at a bar in Sydney, and my pal wanted to chat to him that I wouldn't put my black hair over my eyes and whisper "the grudge"...oh who am I kidding, I totally would.
So to sum up, grudges are shit when they are a movie starring Sarah Michelle Gellar or pretty much any other time but are allowed when it comes to Chad Kroeger.